Tongue-tie can cause problems for both baby and mother, including trouble with breastfeeding, fussiness, and acid reflux. Luckily our team at Tampa Tongue Tie Center can offer a simple solution. Read more to find out if your child has a tongue tie and learn how to resolve it.
What is a Tongue-Tie?
A tongue-tie is when the band of flesh that connects the tongue to the bottom of your infant’s mouth is too thick or tight. It limits the tongue’s range of motion, making it challenging for babies to feed properly.
What is the Cause of a Tongue-Tie?
It is thought that tongue-tie is a genetic condition, but we aren’t completely sure as to why a tongue sometimes forms this way. There is some evidence that a specific gene known as the MTHFR gene plays a role in the formation of infant tongue-tie.
How Common is Tongue-Tie?
Often, a tongue-tie is accompanied by a lip-tie, which is a condition in which a piece of tissue that connects the upper lip to the upper gum is too thick or tight, restricting the mobility of the mouth.
About 4-11% of infants require a tongue-tie and lip-tie procedure in Tampa, and tongue-tie is more common in boys than girls.
How to Tell if an Infant is Tongue-Tied
Tongue-ties often go unnoticed by many medical practitioners unless they are severe. If you notice any of the following signs, visit our tongue-tie center near you:
Mothers may notice:
• Sore, cracked, or bleeding nipples
• Pain while breastfeeding
• Frequent infections
• Milk supply problems
• Blanched nipples
Babies may exhibit:
• Trouble lifting their tongue or moving it from side to side
• A heart-shaped tongue
• Dribbling off milk
• Excessive colic or fussiness
• digestive problems
• Fall asleep while nursing
• Clicking or noisy sounds while feeding
How to Get Tongue-Tie Diagnosed
If you suspect tongue-tie, visit our tongue-tie center in Tampa. Our doctor will examine your infant’s mouth to check for signs of tongue-tie. If they notice a problem, you will be provided with information for a tongue-tie and lip-tie procedure near you.
Tongue-Tie Surgery
If your baby has a tongue-tie but is feeding without any issues, tongue-tie revision may not be necessary, but it is still a good idea due to the potential that tongue-tie can cause speech problems and tooth decay later in life.
If tongue-tie is affecting your infant’s ability to feed effectively, you may want to consider a tongue-tie procedure. The procedure only takes a few minutes. Here is what you can expect:
1. Your dentist will apply a numbing agent under your child’s tongue so that they don’t feel any pain
2. Your dentist will then use a small laser to carefully and precisely cut the tongue tie
3. After this, your baby can nurse and be comforted
4. Your dentist will go through post-op instructions, including pain-relief measures and important exercises that you must get your child to complete
Visit Tampa Tongue Tie Center
A tongue-tie can cause a lot of stress and frustration for a new mother and her infant, especially if it goes unnoticed. To prevent this, visit Tampa Tongue Tie Center for an examination as soon as you notice any issues. Tongue-ties are very treatable and the procedure is easily done by our team of dedicated dental professionals. Please contact us to book a consultation today!