The birth of a baby is a real-life miracle that brings joy and happiness into the lives of its parents. Along with joy, there is…
Solving Tongue Tie With Laser Frenectomy
No parent wants to have to face a medical situation affecting their child at any age. It’s perhaps harder still when the infant is still…
Does Your Infant Have a Lip Tie?
Lip tie is related to, but very different from, the better-known and more common condition called tongue tie. Lip tie is the condition when the…
How To Treat a Child’s Tongue-Tie
Tongue-tie (also called ankyloglossia) is a condition that restricts a child’s range of tongue motion. Ankyloglossia affects roughly 11% of newborns. In cases of tongue-tie,…
What If My Child Has a Tongue-Tie?
Tongue-tie is a condition that affects up to 11% of newborns. Tongue-tie (also called ankyloglossia) is a condition that restricts the range of motion of…